Start the New Year Right: De-clutter Your Home with These Simple Habits

The new year is here, and it’s the perfect time to establish new habits that will help you de-clutter your home and simplify your life. If the holiday season left your home feeling a little out of sorts, don’t worry! It’s time to refresh your space with some easy steps. Here are six simple tasks to help you start 2025 off right and create lasting habits to keep your home organized all year long.

Step 1: Get Rid of Holiday Clutter

Have you put away all your holiday decor yet? Or did it end up taking over your kitchen table? Before your home can feel like your space again, it’s essential to clean up after the holiday season. Set a 30-minute timer, and tackle the task of packing away the decorations. If you’re feeling motivated, use this time to also tidy up the holiday clutter that may have accumulated around the house. You’ll feel so much better with a clean, de-cluttered space to start the new year.

Step 2: De-clutter the Fridge and Freezer

Now that the holiday meals are behind you, it’s time to tackle your fridge and freezer. Start by cleaning out expired food and organizing what’s left. While you’re at it, think about doing a no-spend January on groceries. Instead of buying more, focus on using up what you already have—both in your pantry and in the freezer. It’s a great way to save some cash and reduce food waste, plus, you’ll feel refreshed when February comes around, ready to start anew.

Step 3: Get Creative with Meals

Before you rush to the grocery store, get creative with what you already have. Challenge yourself to make meals from pantry items or freezer ingredients. You’d be surprised how many delicious meals you can create with what’s already stocked in your kitchen. Not only will this help you de-clutter your pantry and freezer, but it’ll also give you a sense of accomplishment when you clear out space for new items.

Step 4: Deep Clean Your Kitchen

It’s time for a good ol' 30-minute deep clean! Start by wiping down your kitchen cabinets and appliances. Don’t forget to clean your dishwasher filter too! (That’s often one of the most overlooked areas!) You’ll be amazed at how much fresher your kitchen looks and feels after a deep clean. Plus, regular maintenance will make it easier to keep everything looking tidy all year long.

Step 5: Clean Your Kitchen Chairs and Bar Stools

Kitchen chairs and bar stools are often overlooked in a regular cleaning session, but they collect dust and spills just like everything else. Set a 30-minute timer and give them a quick clean. Whether it’s wiping down the surfaces, vacuuming upholstery, or even giving the legs a good scrub, this small effort will make a huge difference in how fresh your kitchen feels. A clean kitchen always inspires a more organized home!

Step 6: De-clutter Unwanted Gifts and Items

Have you received gifts that you don’t use or that are taking up valuable space in your kitchen? It’s time to assess any unwanted small appliances, gadgets, or decor that’s just collecting dust. Ask yourself: "When was the last time I used this?" If it’s been more than six months, it may be time to let it go. Donate, sell, or recycle items that no longer serve you. A more intentional space will help you feel lighter and make it easier to keep your home clutter-free.

 Start Your Year with Simplicity

The key to de-cluttering your home is consistency, not perfection. By following these simple steps, you’ll not only start the year off with a cleaner, more organized home, but you’ll also develop habits that will make keeping your space tidy much easier throughout the year.

So, set those timers, tackle one task at a time, and remember—it’s all about progress, not perfection! A clutter-free home means less stress, more peace, and a fresh start for 2025.

Need help organizing or de-cluttering your home this year? Contact us today to get started on creating a space that works for you!